How to Prepare Notes

  1. Note Making is an art and you need to learn it to simplify your preparation. Below I will discuss how to prepare notes. Notes reduce the size of our books and turn them into compact pieces of paper. I had Prepared the entire Psychology notes in 300 pages only. That’s how compact you got to make them.
  2. Read the entire topic first and highlight the important points (Which include definitions, author names, dates). Go through these points again and understand the concept very clearly. Now note down the Topic and in bullet points mention these important things in a very short form. Don’t write entire sentences, but just keywords. For example, while preparing notes of short term memory just write Capacity = 7+-2 (Millers Magic Number) Duration = 15-30 seconds rather than writing the entire paragraph.
  3. While preparing notes you have to use your intuition and your personal experiences. For example, while reading Mazurs Learning Book, I came across the topic of Food Aversion Learning (Which basically says that we show aversion towards foods that make us sick). This topic reminded me of this incident where my friend Rohit got sick after eating a two-day-old Biryani from my fridge. This incident made him hate Biryani so much that he would feel nauseated even by the smell of Biryani. So while preparing notes for this topic, I just wrote ” Rohit's Biyani ” rather than writing the entire description. So one has to read the entire topic, understand it and associate personal incidents with it to make it relevant and easy to remember.
